
Artist's are Happy to Use AI, But Not Happy to Disclose That -

Written by Sam Tongue | Nov 1, 2023 4:19:41 PM

As generative AI proliferates in music creation, a study by Pirate Studios reveals ambivalence among artists. 25% have used AI production tools, and 46% are open to trying, showing significant early adoption. However, just 48% would disclose this assistance to listeners, with over half worried about audience reactions. This reluctance echoes past concerns over autotune before it became mainstream.

Positively, most artists are upskilling in response, actively acquiring knowledge. But the music industry needs governments to balance protection with enabling innovation. In the UK, despite demands to represent creators’ interests, the Tech Safety Summit lacks music representation. With regulation looming, the industry risks shouting unheard from the outside.

To sustain trust and progress, music requires not just copyright safeguards, but a real seat at the table. Avoiding past missteps means creating balanced frameworks so AI complements creativity rather than replaces it. Getting governance right will allow audiences, as well as artists, to gradually adapt as AI becomes a standard tool, not an existential threat. But this needs political will to prioritize music’s voice equally during debates with tech firms and academics. A collaborative spirit serving both human creativity and future possibility will shape how AI changes music for the better.